Government of Turkey offers comprehensive investment incentive programs that support the lowering of start-up costs and accelerating of returns on investments for both greenfield investments and expansion investment projects.
These incentives can also be adapted for projects in priority sectors classified as important areas for technology transfer and economic development. In addition to its support programs for R&D and innovation projects and additional employment, Government of Turkey also supports exporters through various grants, incentives and loans.
Opportunities Abound
Turkish Government offers many opportunities for those who wish to invest in Turkey. Among these are, Investment grants, Employment Incentives, R&D and Design Incentives, Regional Management Center Incentives, Export Incentives and many more.
Specifically, investors can enjoy a large amount of grants directed to their field of work. Corporate Tax Discount/Exemption, Land Allocation, Energy Support, Capital Contribution, Purchase Guarantee are just to name a few.
These incentives are constantly being updated according to the needs of the industrialists and investors within the framework of the current requirements and conditions.
Knowing is Half the Battle
With its expert roster with the experience of over 15,000 incentive projects under their belt, Corintco offers services that fully cover management, strategy determination, project preparation and finalization processes. In this context, Corintco enables its clients’ needs to coincide with the incentives offered by the Turkish Government at an optimum way and supports the realization of their investments in the most efficient way.